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eScholarship@UMassChan Repository Staff Support Guide: Reporting & metrics

Documentation and how to guides for UMass Chan Medical School's institutional repository on Atmire's Open Repository DSpace platform, at

How to compile and report monthly IR usage statistics

This procedure explains how to compile and report monthly usage data for the "Institutional Repository Stats" dataset in LibInsight.

Usage data that is collected:

  • Downloads from Open Repository
  • Downloads from Janeway
  • Downloads from Cancer Concepts
  • Views from Janeway
  • Views from Open Repository
  • New submissions posted
  • New collections
  • New original articles or book chapters published through eScholarship
  • DOIs created in CrossRef
  • DOIs created in DataCite
How to compile usage data
Metric Procedure
Downloads from Open Repository This procedure has changed with the upgrade to Open Repository 7. See "Open Repository 7 Usage Analysis module documentation below for help in determining new procedures. Login > Statistics in sidebar > Usage statistics. The module opens in the Repository tab. Under "Included usage data" de-select all options except for "Bitstream Downloads." Under Internal Filter select "Don’t use the internal traffic filter." Select "Generate Data" button. Select Data tab. Use scroll bar to find total file downloads for the desired month.
Downloads from Janeway Follow instructions for "How to run monthly journal usage statistics" and sum the Downloads counts for all journals.
Downloads from Cancer Concepts Follow instructions for "How to run monthly Cancer Concepts usage statistics".
Views from Janeway Follow instructions for "How to run monthly journal usage statistics" and sum the Views counts for all journals.
Views from Open Repository This procedure has changed with the upgrade to Open Repository 7. See "Open Repository 7 Usage Analysis module documentation below for help in determining new procedures.Login > Statistics in sidebar > Usage statistics. The module opens in the Repository tab. Under "Included usage data" de-select all options except for "Item Page Views." Under Internal Filter select "Don’t use the internal traffic filter." Select "Generate Data" button. Select Data tab. Use scroll bar to find total item views for the desired month.
New submissions posted

In eScholarship, enter the following search in the search box, editing it for the desired month:"2024-07"

This search will display a total number and list of items added to the repository in July 2024. This process is also described in the repository's help for Searching.

New collections I have not discovered an automated way to track this. I recommend maintaining a Word document to manually track milestones such as new collections.
New original articles or book chapters published through eScholarship Follow instructions for "How to run monthly journal usage statistics" and sum the Published Submissions counts for all journals.
DOIs created in CrossRef Use the number found for "New original articles or book chapters published through eScholarship."  If you want to look at the data: Log into Crossref > Submission administration. Enter the date range in Received start and end fields and select Search. Click on the content icons to view xml for each submission.
DOIs created in DataCite Login > DOIs. Change sort to "Sort by Date Created". Select "Export DOI metadata" button to download CSV spreadsheet. Open spreadsheet and count items in the "registered" column for the desired month.
How to report
  1. After compiling the usage data for the desired month as instructed above, log into LibInsight.
  2. Record data to the "Institutional Repository Stats" dataset
  3. In the Internal Notes field, add the date range for the usage data, for example: July 1-31, 2024
Publicly available usage data

Both Open Repository and Janeway provide some publicly available usage data.  The DSpace usage data available to eScholarship@UMassChan readers is via the Statistics menu and via the Show Statistical Information button at the bottom of each page.  For our journals published on Janeway, the available metrics are described in the Measuring Impact section of each journal's About page. There is no public usage data available for the Cancer Concepts textbook, as Janeway's book plugin does not yet include this feature.

How to run monthly journal usage statistics

  1. Log into Janeway: 
  2. Mouse over your username in the upper right and select Manager
  3. In the left sidebar, scroll down to Staff
  4. Click on Plugins
  5. Click on Reporting
  6. Click on Press Report - this report "shows information at the press level eg. most viewed paper, most viewed journal, submissions etc."
  7. Click on View Report
  8. Adjust the Date Filters to the desired time period, for example 03/01/2024-03/31/2024 (NOTE: To collect "all time" usage, the start date is 08/01/2022, the first month went live with Janeway.)
  9. For each journal, metrics are available for number of: Journal Submissions, Published Submissions, Rejected Submissions, Number of Users, Views (hits on article landing pages), and Downloads. The Most Accessed Article for each journal is also listed.

If you are interested in usage from readers in specific countries:

  1. Go back to the list of reports and click on Geographical Spread - this report "provides views and downloads grouped by country." 
  2. "View Report by Press" totals usage (views plus downloads) for all of our journals, grouped by country. "View Report by Journal" provides that information for the specific journal you are logged into. 

How to run monthly Cancer Concepts usage statistics

At this time, usage statistics for the Cancer Concepts ebook are not included in the Press Report and must be run separately.

  1. In the left sidebar, scroll down to Staff
  2. Click on Plugins
  3. Click on Books Plugin
  4. The all-time total downloads from 08/01/2022-present display under Downloads. (Reads will always be 0 because we are not using the epub format. The Books plugin does not count views like the journal functionality.)
  5. Click on Metrics by Month to get a breakdown by month, with 08/01/2022 being the first month went live with Janeway. Use the Data Filters to view metrics for a different range of months.

If you are interested in usage from readers in specific countries, currently this can only be done through the Admin module by someone with Press administrator privileges (contact the Library or Janeway for assistance).

  1. Go to (this is Book Accesss [i.e. Access] in the Admin module)
  2. The Country column on the right shows geographic usage. However, only100 rows display at a time; this is too laborious to try and capture. Janeway is looking into adding ebooks to the Press Report.  Until then, if you want this information contact Janeway and ask for a csv spreadsheet with geographic spread metrics.

What is the all-time download count for the repository?

The 2022 migration from Digital Commons to Open Repository 5 was messy in terms of statistics, and it appears that an accurate download count was not migrated. To get an accurate download count, calculate downloads from both sources and sum these together.

From Open Repository:

There are various ways to see the all-time download count in Open Repository 7, beginning from when we migrated to Open Repository 5 in September 2022. One quick method:

  • From, select Statistics > Top Items
  • Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the all-time download count and the all-time page view count

From Digital Commons:

See the box on this page "Archived Digital Commons usage statistics" to access pre-migrated usage statistics. The file that includes the final download counts is R:\eScholarship\MIGRATION 2022\SITE-LEVEL PAGES\Statistics\eScholarship-fulltext-and-supplementalfile-downloads-20220913.xls. The total was: 3,061,731 downloads.

Archived Digital Commons usage statistics

Usage statistics from before the migration (through 2022-09-13) were archived from Digital Commons. Spreadsheets are stored in a network drive owned by the Lamar Soutter Library (R:\eScholarship\MIGRATION). Content is organized in folders by the collection URLs we used in Digital Commons, for example:

  • cancer_concepts is the Cancer Concepts textbook
  • gsbs_diss is the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences dissertations and theses
  • jeslib is the Journal of eScience Librarianship

Each collection has a Statistics folder.

Pre-migration statistics for the entire repository are in the folder R:\eScholarship\MIGRATION\SITE-LEVEL PAGES\Statistics

For the journals, editor reports are also available that provide information on number of submissions rejected and withdrawn, and other submission information.

How many items are in the repository?

Go to the Search page in your browser:

(You can also get to this page by clicking in the search box and pressing return without adding any text in the search box.)

You will see a list of all items in the repository, with this statement at the beginning:

"Now showing items 1-10 of 27220"

In this example, the total number of items in the repository is 27,220.

[Updated for Open Repository 7]

Open Repository 7 Usage Analysis module documentation

If stakeholders ask for usage statistics for a collection, some statistics are available in the public interface.

From the Statistics menu

  • In the black menu bar, select Statistics > Top Items. This displays usage statistics for the entire repository.
  • In the Scope filter, search for the collection and select it. This displays usage statistics for that collection only.
  • Follow the same procedure for Top Authors, Top Subjects and Top Countries.
  • There is no export functionality as of 12/18/2024, but it is possible to copy/paste this data into a spreadsheet.

From the "Show statistical Information" button

  • Navigate to the collection
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Show statistical Information" button
  • Currently this shows Top Items only. Eventually Atmire should enhance this to show additional information similar to what is available for the entire repository (click "Show statistical information" from the home page)