Dr. Trisha Greenhalgh is a British physician and professor of medicine that wrote a series of excellent articles in the mid to late 1990's as the idea of finding, analyzing and using Best-Evidence from the literature was gaining in importance and prominence. Although over 10 year old, her "How to Read a Paper" series of articles, published in the BMJ, still offer valid insight into increasing critical appraisal skills. NOTE: SOME OF THESE ARTICLES BEGIN ON PAGE 2 OR 3 OF THE LINKED PDF FILE.
Greenhalgh, T. (1997). How to read a paper. getting your bearings (deciding what the paper is about). BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 315(7102), 243-246.
Greenhalgh, T. (1997). How to read a paper. papers that report diagnostic or screening tests. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 315(7107), 540-543.
Greenhalgh, T. (1997). How to read a paper. papers that report drug trials. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 315(7106), 480-483.
Greenhalgh, T. (1997). How to read a paper. statistics for the non-statistician. I: Different types of data need different statistical tests. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 315(7104), 364-366.
Greenhalgh, T. (1997). How to read a paper. statistics for the non-statistician. II: "significant" relations and their pitfalls. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 315(7105), 422-425.
Greenhalgh, T. (1997). How to read a paper. the medline database. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 315(7101), 180-183.
How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine - Trisha Greenhalgh
Using EBM effectively takes more than understanding how to interpret outcomes from something you read. It involves knowing the right question to ask, turning that question into a good search, knowing the best place to look, finding what is available and then using the evidence you find in the care of your patient. Use the "5 A's" as a step-by-step guide to locate best evidence.
The PICO mnemonic, essential for formulating a good Evidence-Based questions, is usually seen written as PICO but sometimes shows up as PICOTT as well? What is the difference. As shown above, the standard elements of PICO are Patient, Intervention (or Index for a diagnostic question), Comparison or Control and Outcome. But at times, one or even two T's may be added. The T's stand for:
There are a number of rating scales that are used to define "best evidence". Visit the Essential Evidence Plus web site to learn about the four most common scales (Centre for EBM Oxford, SORT, GRADE and Practice Guidelines).