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ToxNet is a portal which can search combinations of toxicology-related databases. Alternatively, you can go straight to one of the more specific databases.
Results for a search of ToxNet (all databases) are broken up into sections based on which database they were found in. Results within a database are ordered by their relevancy ranking.
Clicking on "browse" allows you to start typing in a topic you are interested in and see other words that start with the same letters. It shows, in parentheses, how many results there are for each term so you can decide what you would like to search for.
You can add a result to your list by clicking "select record". Then you can view your list, sort the results, and download the records.
Advanced search allows you to: limit word form or allow word variants; limit search to exact phrase or expand to any of the words; and search in specific fields grouped as "substance identification", "studies data", and "administrative information".
Search results are displayed as its substance name (in blue) with its Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number below.
Clicking on the substance name brings up the record. At the top of the record are navigational tools. On the left is a table of contents. On the right is chemical data.
This database allows you to search by Medical Subject Heading (MeSH), limit by language and publication data, and sort results based on author, title, publication date, or relevance.
The record screen shows your search terms in yellow while author names, MeSH headings, keywords, and CAS registry numbers are blue links.
Advanced search allows you to limit based on field (for example,"disposal methods" or "human toxicity values") or category of field (for example, "human health effects" or "environmental standards and regulations").
This database is split into four categories - Products, Manufacturers, Ingredients, and Health Effects. You can do a quick search across all categories, or an advanced search in only one category (by clicking on that tab).
You can also browse household products by product category or alphabetically, using the left menu.
You can limit your search by year, facility name, facility location, reporting form type, classification code, weight, and type of release.
This database pulls together information from various sources (including PubMed and Federal Research in Progress). Using the advanced search, you can limit which sources are searched.