Jyothi Ananth Pendharkar, MS, MBA Program Director, UMCCTS Community Engagement and Research SectionJyothi.pendharkar@umassmed.edu
Department of Population Health and Quantitative Health Sciences Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine UMass Chan Medical School Albert Sherman Center, Office Number AS8-2063B 368 Plantation Street, Worcester, MA 01605Barbara Estabrook, MSPH, CHES
Research Program Director
UMCCTS Community Engagement and Research Section
Department of Population Health and Quantitative Health Sciences
Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Albert Sherman Center, Office Number AS8-2063B
368 Plantation Street, Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: (508) 856-3570
Sally Gore, MS, MS LIS
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Lamar Soutter Library
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
Phone: 508-856-1966