The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a whole host of statistical and data resources available for researchers in the public health arena. One of these is CDC WONDER (Wide-Ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research). WONDER provides statistical research data published by the CDC, as well as reference materials, reports, and guidelines on health-realted topics.
The CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity’s Data, Trends and Maps online tool allows you to search for and view indicators related to nutrition, physical activity and obesity. You can search on the basis of a specific location or an indicator
The CDC's National Environmental Public Health tracking Program is building a national integrated environmental and public health information system that supports national efforts to standardize and facilitate the electronic exchange of information. Linking environmental and health data will enable a timely response to potential health problems related to the environment.
~Dr. Julie Louise Gerberding, MD, MPH, Former Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program is a nationwide network of health and environmental data, brought together for the purpose of improving the health of local communities. Three distinct areas are highlighted:
Both state and national-level data and resources are available