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The First Operation with Ether: A Historical and Medical Perspective

This guide provides more information on the painting, The First Operation with Ether, as well as the history of anesthesia.

Print Books

Cover ArtA calculus of suffering: pain, professionalism, and anesthesia in nineteenth-century America by Martin S. Pernick
Call Number: History of Medicine WO 211 AA1 P4c 1985

ISBN: 9780231051873
Publication Date: 1985-01-01
Analyzes the impact of anesthesia on nineteenth-century medicine, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of anesthesia, and explains how rules for its use were developed.

Cover ArtThe history of anesthesiology by Leroy D. Vandam 
Call Number: History of Medicine WO 205 W876h 1971 v. 1-9
Publication Date: 1971-01-01
Contents: Part 1. Account of the first use of sulphuric acid and the discovery of anesthesia -- Part 2. Insensibility during surgical operations -- Part 3. Spinal anesthesia -- Part 4. Signs and stages of anesthesia -- Part 5. Carbon dioxide absorption -- Part 6. Obstetric anesthesia -- Part 7. Physical theories of anaesthetic action -- Part 8. Neuroanesthesia -- Part 9. Pediatric anesthesia

Cover ArtMedicine: the art of healing by Sherwin B. Nuland
Call Number: Humanities in Medicine Wz 330 N969m 1992
ISBN:  9780883633144
Publication Date: 1992-01-01
Paintings, manuscript illuminations, prints, and other works of art reveal the history of medicine, the development of anatomical and scientific illustration, and the work of physicians and surgeons through the ages

Cover ArtUnder the ether dome: a physician's apprenticeship at Massachusetts General Hospital by Stephen A. Hoffman
Call Number: Humanities in Medicine WZ100 H711u 1986
ISBN: 9780684185804
Publication Date: 1987-03-01
From Publishers Weekly
As background to an account of his internship at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he is now a resident, Hoffmann summarizes the history of the prestigious facility. With considerable literary flair and perspective, he describes how frustrations as well as surprises and rewards during the arduous training brought him often to "the verge of discontent," but helped him evolve a sense of values and change his feelings from those of a nervous "imposter" to confidence tempered by humility and gallows humor. Unusual in a book of this kind is the gratitude expressed by the author to the nurses and to the patients from whom he learned and whom he appreciates as unique human beings. He also offers his views on medical ethics in patient relationships, which he considers are insufficiently emphasized in training, as are non-biological/anatomical models as ways of understanding and treating illness.
Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Cover ArtVictory over pain; Morton's discovery of anaesthesia by Betty MacQuitty
Call Number: Main WZ100 M891v 1969
Publication Date: 1969-01-01

Books Donated by Manisa S. Desai, MD

The Lamar Soutter Library acknowledges and thanks Manisha S Desai. MD for her books and historical anesthesia artifacts donations. The book donations are being processed and will be available for loan iater in 2025.

Online Resources

  • The History of Anesthesiology Reprint Series and other texts are available on the E-Book Collection page of the Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology.