​Sally Gore, MS, MS LIS
Manager, Research & Scholarly Communication Services
Leah Honor, MLIS
Research Data & Scholarly Communications Librarian
Sign in with your UMass Chan username and password to create your Data Management and Sharing Plan with DMPTool and benefit from the NIH and UMass Chan guidance built into the step-by-step form. By selecting “NIH” as the primary funding organization, you will automatically be using the template matching the new requirements. You can also share your plans with collaborators and request a review of your DMS Plan within the platform.
In DMPTool, there are now three templates for National Institutes of Health (NIH) data management and sharing (DMS) plans:
Any three of the templates can be used to submit a DMS plan to accompany an NIH grant and the Library Research Data Services Team is happy to review DMS plans created using any of the templates.
For more information about the FDP Data Management and Sharing Plan Pilot, please visit the Pilot’s webpage. If you use a FDP Pilot template, the FDP would appreciate your feedback which you can submit using their feedback survey.
If you have any questions, please contact the Library Research Data Services Team, datalib@umassmed.edu.
The NIH issued supplemental guidance outlining six required Elements of an NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan. These elements should be addressed in a supplemental document of around two pages.
Explore the information required in each element by clicking on the panels below:
Search for standards related to your research on FAIRsharing.org.
For more information:
DMS Plan Examples:
You can request a review of your NIH data management and sharing plan by one of our data librarians through DMPTool under the "Request feedback" tab for your data management plan or email Library Research Data Services at datalib@umassmed.edu. A data librarian will respond to your request within 48 hours and complete the review within 10 business days. Expedited reviews will be provided on a case-by-case basis subject to librarian availability.
Researcher Checklist
Badger, K., Calkins, H., Carr Jones, L., Grynoch, T., Koshoffer, A., LaPreze, D., May, A., Nieman, C., Otsuji, R., Phegley, L., & Ye, H. (2022). Data management and sharing plan checklist for researchers. NIH DMSP Guidance Working Group. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/UADXR