Sally Gore, MS, MS LIS
Manager, Research & Scholarly Communication Services
Tess Grynoch, MLIS
Research Data & Scholarly Communications Librarian
Leah Honor, MLIS
Research Data & Scholarly Communications Librarian
Just as books and journals are cited in a standard way to acknowledge and identify research sources, data also benefits from citation. Data citation:
General Format
Author (Year). Title with Version. Publisher. Access Information.
Doe, J., & Smith, J. (2012). Title of data set [Data set]. doi: 10.5494/8569855
Chicago (Bibliography style)
Doe, J., and Smith, J. The best data set ever (accessed February 4, 2018). doi: 10.5494/8569855
Citing Medicine (ICJME Recommendations)
Kraemer MUG, Sinka ME, Duda KA, Mylne A, Shearer FM, Brady OJ, Messina JP, Barker CM, Moore CG, Carvalho RG, Coelho GE, Van Bortel W, Hendrickx G, Schaffner F, Wint GRW, Elyazar IRF, Teng H, Hay SI. The global compendium of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus occurrence [dataset]. 2015 Jun 30 [cited 2015 Oct 23]. Dryad Digital Repository. Available from: Referenced in doi: 10.7554/eLife.08347
Kingsolver JG, Hoekstra HE, Hoekstra JM, Berrigan D, Vignieri SN, Hill CE, Hoang A, Gibert P, Beerli P (2001) Data from: The strength of phenotypic selection in natural populations. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.166
You can find many other examples, presented by style, at the Dataset Citation site developed by Michigan State University's library.