Vista launched in fall 2022 by building on the lessons of the Learner-centered Integrated Curriculum (LInC) and scientific, pedagogic, and societal advances
Vista adds the new health system science pillar to those of biomedical and clinical science and fortifies critically important curricular domains including health equity, diversity and inclusion, population and community health, and learner, provider and patient wellness
Vista optimizes the application of technology in learning and healthcare, highlighting simulation and hybrid modalities
Vista is structured by three phases: “Discovery, Exploration, and Horizons," breaking the traditional 2 + 2 model of medical education
Vista engages all students in self-selected Pathways, supporting smaller cohort-based inquiry and applied learning to develop individual and intersecting interests and skills
Vista adds UMass Chan to a list of dozens of American medical schools offering parallel accelerated 3-year MD programs for a subset of learners aligned with specific, pre-selected generalist residencies.