Appreciative Leadership: Focus on What Works to Drive Winning Performance and Build a Thriving Organization by Diana Whitney; Amanda Trosten-Bloom; Kae RaderAdvance Praise for "Appreciative Leadership: " ""A must-read for leaders at all levels who believe that both common sense and business sense require engaging and encouraging rather than mandating or manipulating. It may become my most-recommended book."" -- Frank Rogers-Witte, Ph.D., Director, Executive Staff Effectiveness, Hewlett-Packard IPG ""Building on a simple but powerful idea, Appreciative Leadership offers an approach to organizational transformation applicable to institutions as varied as businesses, universities, church bodies, and health systems. Packed with dozens of stories andsuggestions, it offers key insights translated into replicable strategies for action."" -- Jane McAuliffe, Ph.D., President, Bryn Mawr College ""The positive basis of power is illuminated brilliantly in this courageous leadership book. Appreciative Leadership touches the heart of leadership--the kind people most deeply desire--in a way that will change lives, businesses, and every relationship you wish to build."" -- David L. Cooperrider, Ph.D., Professor of Social Entrepreneurship, Case Western Reserve University ""Leadership driven by principles and integrity is more important today than ever. Appreciative Leadership shows how to blend principles of collaboration, quality, and service for both long-term achievement and practical daily impact. It provides amodel of success for a new generation of leaders."" -- R. Edward Howell, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, University of Virginia Medical Center The Positive Approach to Leadership That Brings Out the Best in Everyone Appreciative Inquiry has become one ofthe most popular new management tools in business today. Its premise is simple yet profound: Instead of focusing on what's wrong in the workplace, learn about and build upon what works. Dr. Diana Whitney--a leader in the field of Appreciative Inquiry--and colleagues Amanda Trosten-Bloom and Kae Rader bring the next generation of these ideas forward, with practical and proven tools for leadership. Arefreshingly different approach to managing organizations, Appreciative Leadership turns conventional management thinking on its head, demonstrating how to get results with "positive power." All you need are the five "I's" . . .INQUIRY: Leading with positively powerful questions.ILLUMINATION: Bringing out the best in people and situations.INCLUSION: Engaging with others to cocreate the future.INSPIRATION: Awakening the creative spirit.INTEGRITY: Making choices for the good of the whole. This revolutionary approach brings people together, drives companies forward--and takes your leadership skills to a whole new level. "Appreciative Leadership" shows you how to fully engage your team through positive inquiry and open dialogue--so that everyone feels included and valued, inspired and motivated . . . and ready to work together to win. In this user-friendly guide, you'll discover excitingnew techniques to open up discussions, exchange ideas, agree on a plan, and follow up on your goals. You'll learn simple tips on how to keep your team on track with a can-doattitude. And you'll find satisfying new ways to be engaged, passionate, and present. This book isn't a quick-fix solution to your management problems. It's a full-time, lifelong commitment to your values, your vision, and your connection to others. This is how the best leaders in the world bring out thebest in people, their organizations, and themselves. This is "Appreciative Leadership." Diana Whitney, Ph.D., is the president of Corporation for Positive Change, an international consultancy based in North Carolina, bringing "Appreciative Inquiry" to the most pressing issues of our time. She is a sought-after speaker, consultant, and executive advisor for clients such as Merck, British Airways, Verizon, and Johnson & Johnson.
ISBN: 9781282644779
Publication Date: 2010-01-01
Humble Inquiry, Second Edition by Edgar H. Schein; Peter A. ScheinThis worldwide bestseller offers simple guidance for building the kind of open and trusting relationships vital for tackling global systemic challenges and developing adaptive, innovative organizations-over 200,000 copies sold and translated into seventeen languages! We live, say Ed and Peter Schein, in a culture of tell. Rather than trying to genuinely relate to other people, we tell them what we think they need to know or should do. This is particularly problematic between superiors and subordinates because anybody anywhere could have that vital fact or spot that fatal flaw that could mean the difference between success or disaster. Humble Inquiry encourages honest and open interactions, stimulates creative thinking, and protects against costly misunderstandings and mistakes. Edgar and Peter Schein defines Humble Inquiry as the fine art of drawing someone out . . . of building a relationship based on curiosity and interest in the other person. In this seminal work, the authors look at how Humble Inquiry differs from other kinds of inquiry, offer examples of it in action, and show how to overcome the cultural, organizational and psychological barriers that keep us from practicing it. This second edition has been updated throughout with new examples and a new chapter that shows how a lack of Humble Inquiry is at the root of so many modern organizational problems.
ISBN: 1523092637
Publication Date: 2021-02-23
Leadership and governance in primary healthcare : an exemplar for practice in resource limited settings by Anasel, Mackfallen G.; Anasel, Mackfallen G., editor.; Kapologwe, Ntuli A., editor.; Kalolo, Albino, editor.Good leadership and governance at all levels of the healthcare system is necessary for better performance of the system and health outcomes. Lack of good leadership and governance practices can lead to misuse of health system inputs such as human resources, health commodities and financial resources hence lowering the quality of services delivered. Thus, this guide was developed through collaborative efforts envisioned to respond to the needs of improving good governance practices at the primary healthcare level in resource-limited healthcare systems. Key Features: Improves the management of primary health facilities Helps the health facility managers and teams at primary healthcare level to effectively and efficiently lead and manage the facilities Enumerates practical scenarios on health issues that commonly occur in health facilities and provides alternative ways of addressing the issues raised in the scenarios
ISBN: 9781000859072
Publication Date: 2023
Rehumanizing Leadership: Putting Purpose Back into Business by Palsule, Sudhanshu.; Chavez, Michael.The rehumanization of leadership has become one of the most pressing issues of our times. This book offers an antidote to the linear and fragmented leadership models that emerged out of the industrial age.The authors make a compelling case for purpose, empathy and caring to become the strategic driving forces for organizations in a disruptive and complex world. This book provides you with the simple tools and the mindset that you need to lead your organization into the 21st century.
ISBN: 9781911671794
Publication Date: 2020
StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom RathStrengthsFinder 2.0 features the NEW and UPGRADED version of the StrengthsFinder program, the main selling point of mega-bestseller Now, Discover Your Strengths (over a million copies sold). Access to the new and upgraded StrengthsFinder program will be available exclusively through this book. DO YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO WHAT YOU DO BEST EVERY DAY? Chances are, you don't. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths. To help people uncover their talents, Gallup introduced the first version of its online assessment, StrengthsFinder, in the 2001 management book Now, Discover Your Strengths. The book spent more than five years on bestseller lists and ignited a global conversation, while StrengthsFinder helped millions discover their top five talents. In StrengthsFinder 2.0, Gallup unveils the new and improved version of its popular assessment, language of 34 themes and much more. While you can read this book in one sitting, you'll use it as a reference for decades. Loaded with hundreds of strategies for applying your strengths, this new book and accompanying website will change the way you look at yourself -- and the world around you -- forever. AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH THE UNIQUE ACCESS CODE INCLUDED IN STRENGTHSFINDER 2.0: A new and upgraded edition of the StrengthsFinder assessment A personalized Strengths Discovery and Action-Planning Guide for applying your strengths in the next week, month and year A more customized version of your top five theme report 50 Ideas for Action (10 strategies for building on each of your top five themes) The redesigned StrengthsFinder 2.0 companion website featuring: a strengths community area, a library of downloadable discussion guides and activities, a strengths screensaver, and a program for creating display cards of your top five themes
ISBN: 9781595620248
Publication Date: 2013-09-01
Medical Leadership Journals
A selection of medical leadership journals available to you through Lamar Soutter Library
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