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Psychiatry Resources

Psychiatry Residency

Recommended eTexts for Psychiatry Residents

Cover ArtThe Psychiatric Interview, 5th ed. by Daniel J. Carlat
ISBN: 9781975212988
Publication Date: 06-20-2023

Psychiatry Residency Texts

This is a list, posted by Dr. Benjamin on Amazon, of essential texts for Psychiatry Residency.  Many of these books are available online or on the shelves in the Lamar Soutter Library.  And if not, they can be borrowed (a free service for all UMass Chan/UMMHC residents) from other nearby libraries.

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Journal Club

2024-2025 Journal Club Articles

2023-2024 Journal Club Articles

2022-2023 Journal Club Articles

Journal Club articles that have been discussed in previous years are listed in a PubMed Collection where you can view the abstracts, save the articles, or find similar articles. Also find articles by year.

Find a list of previous ABPN-recommended Child and Adolescent Psychiatry articles in a PubMed Collection or look for the current list in Topic Categories on the "Articles for Continuing Board Certification" page of the Psychiatry Resource Guide.

Understanding Bayesian statistics: van de Schoot, R., Depaoli, S., King, R. et al. Bayesian statistics and modelling. Nat Rev Methods Primers 1, 1 (2021).

Using EBM effectively: how to read articles and know which questions to ask 

Useful Apps Recommended by the Psychiatry Training Office

Mobile Resources Guide


NEJM Resident 360


NEJM Resident 360

Resident 360 is a tool from the New England Journal of Medicine that is designed to help residents navigate their residency.. Features include rotation preparation resources, discussion boards on topics relevant to residents and a social media outlet. Access is free to all UMass Chan/UMMHC residents via the Library's institutional subscription to the New England Journal of Medicine.

BMJ Case Reports

JANE: tool to find journals, articles or authors

JANE journal author name estimator

Jane is a tool that is designed to help you choose a journal in which to publish based on the topic of your paper or to identify other authors who publish in the same field.  It is a free resource by the Biosemantics Group located in the Netherlands.

Finding and evaluating journals