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For UMass Chan Faculty

Lamar Soutter Library Resource Guide for Faculty 

Resources and services designed to support faculty work at UMass Chan.

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UMass Chan Medical School Department of Psychiatry

Research and Scholarly Communication Services

  • NIH Public Access Policy – The library provides troubleshooting and training on understanding compliance, using the NIHMS system, PubMed’s My NCBI/My Bibliography, SciENcv, and more.
  • Copyright, Author Rights, Fair Use -- We provide information resources and consultation.
  • Digital Collections eScholarship@UMassChan is the freely available digital archive and publishing system offering worldwide access to the research and scholarly work of the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School community.
  • Research Impact -- Discover traditional and emerging tools to measure your scholarly impact; we can help. 
  • Open Access -- We provide resources and information to the UMass Chan Medical School community about open access and new models of scholarly publishing.
  • Research Data Management Services – We can answer questions about data management best practices, funder mandates, and data sharing, and can direct you to local resources for research data management.  eScholarship@UMassChan is a solution for housing data sets that need to be made publicly available.

Choosing a Citation Manager

Citation managers help you organize and keep track of your references and generate bibliographies. Some also have plugins for in-paper citations, the ability to attach full text pdfs to citations, and tools to share your bibliographies with collaborators.

Citation Manager Cost Get it
EndNote Desktop (can sync with EndNote Online)

EndNote Logo

Free for UMass Chan and UMMHC users.

Download instructions for EndNote Desktop Software and support links
EndNote Web/ Online/ Basic

EndNote Web

RefWorks (Web-based)


Free for UMass Chan and UMMHC users.

Create an account at using your institutional email.

UMass Chan RefWorks Resource Guide

Zotero (Desktop and Web-based)


Freemium (Free for up to 300MB of cloud storage. Pay for additional storage.)
Mendeley (Desktop and Web-based)


Freemium (Free for up to 2GB of cloud storage. Pay for additional storage.)

JANE: tool to find journals, articles or authors

JANE journal author name estimator

Jane is a tool that is designed to help you choose a journal in which to publish based on the topic of your paper or to identify other authors who publish in the same field.  It is a free resource by the Biosemantics Group located in the Netherlands.

Scientific and Scholarly Writing