Sally Gore, MS, MSLIS
Manager, Research & Scholarly Communications Services
Leah Honor, MLIS
Research Data & Scholarly Communications Librarian
Please refer to our guides for specific information about:
ORCID, which stands for "Open Researcher and Contributor ID," is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research and scholarship. ORCID's aim is to minimize the problem of name ambiguity in scientific communication and to ensure that people get proper credit for all of their research. ORCID assigns a unique identifier to an individual, registers that identifier, and integrates with key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission. Registering for an ORCID identifier helps researchers to establish a unique, lifelong presence regardless of name variants or affiliation history, to utilize portable profile data, and to reduce reduce administrative burden.
Linking researchers with their scholarship can be a challenge:
Unique author identifiers are the solution:
The ORCID Registry is available free of charge to individuals, who may register for an ORCID identifier, manage their record of publications, and search for others in the ORCID Registry.
All you have to do is:
Register for Your ORCID iD from ORCID on Vimeo.
The "Works" section in ORCID gives various options for adding publications to your ORCID profile, including: adding publications manually; adding publications by using a DOI, PMID or other identifier; and by importing publications from other systems. We recommend as a first step to use the Scopus wizard to import your publications. Scopus is the largest indexing and abstracting database of peer-reviewed scientific literature and will probably include publications that belong to you.
Add your publications in Scopus to ORCID step-by-step
Federal agencies are increasingly requiring researchers to have a unique, persistent digital identifier such as an ORCID iD to apply for funding.
Of the many profile options available, these are ones we recommend:
Other media platforms for increasing the presence of your research:
Requires being logged into your Elsevier account (Login and account creation available in the top right-hand corner).
On the author's Google Scholar profile, use the Follow button and select new citations to the author to receive an email whenever Google Scholar detects that the author is cited.
Contact one of the librarians listed on this page or check out platform-specific help: