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Summer Enrichment Program: Creating a Presentation

This guide should help you start your research on health disparities in Massachusetts.

Powerpoint Tips

PowerPoint slides are the visual aid to your presentation, not the presentation itself. Make them clear and interesting.

Further slide tips:

  • Unify your presentation through its design - font, colors, layout (If you want to use a PowerPoint template, customize it)
  • Keep text to a minimum on each slide
  • The fewer PowerPoint animations used the better
  • Video and audio can be excellent additions to a presentation 
  • Choose charts wisely- does your message come across easily

You can make your excel charts more attractive by removing chart "junk". Here's how:

Citation Tips

  • Use the format you know best, such as APA or MLA
  • Use citation management software to format citations for you
  • Check the final formatting using a citation guide from Purdue OWL

Mendeley Tutorials

Visual Design Tools

Paletton is a great tool for choosing a color scheme and testing out a scheme for different gradients of vision.


If a picture is the focal point of your visual design, you can use an image color picker such as or to discover the code for the matching color in your image.


Another great resource for public health images besides Google Images is the Public Health Image Library.

Public Health Image Library

Presenting Tips

Just remember your ABC's-- be Audible, be Brief, and Connect with your audience.

  • Be prepared. Practice makes perfect.
  • Start strong and end strong.
  • Breath. Use silence to your advantage to emphasize a point and gather your thoughts. 

More tips from Toastmasters.

Citing on a Slide

Remember to add a citation within your slideshow wherever you use non-original material and include a bibliography at the end of the slideshow. To minimize the space used by citations on a slide, you can use the shortened or in-text version of the citation on the slide then the full citation at the end of the presentation.


Option 1: Placing the shortened citations within the text of the slide

Example of embedding shortened citations within the text of a slide

Option 2:  Placing the shortened citation at the bottom of the slide

Example of citations at the bottom of a slide

Reference List

Example of references list slide


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Regina Raboin
Lamar Soutter Library
Worcester, MA
Social: Twitter Page