Carrel Reservation Policies
- All SOM, GSN, GSBS students are eligible to use the carrels, located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Library.
- Please reserve the carrel you'd like to use in the online reservation system.
- Carrels can be reserved up to 5 days in advance.
- Single carrels can be reserved for up to 6 hours at a time.
- Reservations may be made for up to 40 hours per week.
- Be mindful of the needs of your peers. Reserve only the hours that you need. If you do not need your remaining hours, you can cancel the reservation.
- If you would like to store your belongings, please check out a locker key at the Library Service Point.
Library 1st Floor & Second Floor: Not quiet study: zoom or phone calls are allowed.
Library 3rd Floor: Quiet study, please no virtual meetings, phone use, or socializing on the third floor.
Carrel Rules:
- Max capacity for each carrel is one person.
- You are responsible for sanitizing the carrel and removing all belongings.
- Eating and covered beverages are allowed in the Library.
- Do not block the entrance of carrels in any way.
- Do not leave laptop computers or other valuable items unattended anywhere in the Library - thefts have occurred in the past. The Library is not responsible for items that are damaged in or stolen from the carrels.
- All the end of the semester anything items left will be collected and thrown away.