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Access Services: Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I lose my locker key?

A. The kereplacemenfee is $10.

Q. May I turn in my locker key before the end of the semester?

A. Yes, just bring it tthLibrarService Point Desk and inform a staff member.

Q. May I extend thuse of a particular locker past the end of the semester?

A. Noalkeys must be returneathe enothe semesterHowevernext semester you maparticipate in the prograagain.

Q. What if I want to switch lockers with another student or share a locker with another student?

A.  Yomay switclockers if botpartiecomtthe Library Service Point in persowittheir UMMS IDs. However, due to COVID-19, you cannot share lockers.  Also, there is only one key per locker.

Q. Will anyone else have access to my assigned locker?

A. No othepatrowill have access to youlocked materials stored in your locker.

Q. Can I store library materials in my locker?

A. Only lock Library materials in your locker if they are checked out to you.  Please return materials on or before their due date.